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Singapore in pictures

Our friends has asked me for more pictures of Singapore and thus I have selected a bunch of them that help to illustrate a little what can you expect from this city.

Things you can only see in singapore

As a matter of fact, observing a tennis court suspended at the tenth level of a hotel is not at all anomalous, nor is witnessing a Chinook helicopter transporting a colossal flag during the month of August, when they honor their national day. During our most recent visit, we bore witness to a phenomenal display of F15 fighters shattering the sound barrier amidst the towering skyscrapers of the metropolis.

Yes, you can party in Singapore

Apart from that do not miss the margins of Singapore river where all the fancy restaurants and bars are. Beware of tourist traps and scams.

And if you want some “Ibiza” like party go to Zouks and enjoy some music, after sharing some Jagermeister and Martell cognac with some youngster on the street…

Do not trust all you have heard about singapore

Indeed, on the streets of Singapore, one ought to disregard any and all trifling admonitions concerning the prohibition of chewing gum and littering, amongst other such nonsense. It is not at all uncommon to witness individuals partaking in activities such as flatulence, expectoration, littering, urination, and imbibing alcohol whilst in the presence of law enforcement.

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