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As I told you, this time we have time to visit Venice. And there it is my first advice: DO NOT GO THERE BY CAR.
It’s expensive, traffics is a nightmare, you have to park outside the city and then take a boat or a water taxi. So if you are coming from Milano take a train and for 35-60 euro (if you travel regular or first) and you will be in the center, but less hassle.

The city is nice, but expensive, so if you plan to enjoy it, prepare some thousand euros for a nice weekend.

The best Venice is The Grand Channel, and moving there requires a water taxi or some Gondola (that are expensive, but not a rip off as we expected).

The little streets are plenty of shops with stupid stuff that you don’t need – if you have coming from Milano, you have already bought a 1,000 euros jacket, so avoid those streets.

Too many tourists and too many rip offs (like a coke bottle at 5 euros) made that what started excellent ended badly.

At six o’clock I was dying about getting out of that giant tourist trap and getting into my awful car.

Again AVIS cheated us and a nice Alfa Romeo
 turned into a horrible Lancia Delta. Pure crap
They were filming a movie, that’s the reason for the old costumes
 Gran Canale
 Me, with a Gondola in a blurred back
Sunset – Gran Canale

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