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Miffa’s travel and adventure: First days, back in Tokyo

By August 30, 200710 Comments

I must admit that with my father really mad about one of our suitcases lost since last Sunday (the one who contains all our presents) is really difficult to cope with jetlag and post vocational syndrome.

Anyways the good thong about it is that you get up early and therefore you have a lot of time to post your adventures.

We booked our flight with the cheapest, money must be saved for thing that really matters a Chinese proverb says, and this was Air France. The journey from Paris to Tokyo in a new Boeing 777-400 was the worst flying nightmare that me and my parents has suffered in all our lives.

When the passenger in front off us reclined his seat the mini-tv screen touched our nose. I think I’ve read in a newspaper that European people average height has increased over last 50 years but it seems that Air France just doesn’t care.

Ok. We will throw more shit over them at the end of this series, they have lost our baggage and they wanted to charge us 300 euros for extra baggage. Phuckers!!!

After a really bad flight we got the airport limousine bus from Narita and we landed in my favourite Tokyo hotel – The Mandarin Oriental- where they welcome back me as a VIP guest.

Unfortunately my parents are rather old so after a brief walk around Ginza they were so tired that they decided to remain in the hotel for our first day. That was not a bad idea if you take into consideration the nice offer Mandarin has.

Now after being hosted in Cerulean Towers and Hyatt I just definitely say that Mandarin is the best and when talking about price / quality is even better. Anyways the non included breakfast that starts at 3500 yen doesn’t not include bacon, sausage and potatoes as it did in our first visit and when you pay more than 60,000 yen a night this little details can be a bug issue when dealing with perception/value freaks like my father.

Next day we just took care of Tokyo, and we decided to follow Mother Bunny’s favourite track around Omote Sando and Aoyama. Mr. Evaseé provided us with the map that all the spies use when in Tokyo and together with our notes we visited almost every store, shop, bar, restaurant and ice cream cart that rules!!!!

A nice approach to the “hot Tokyo” before our next day destination: ten days in the northern island known as Hokkaido – Japan’s wildest spot-

Our next post will statr in Haneda Airport


Debo admitir que con el Viejo tan cabreado por culpa de la perdida de una maleta desde el pasado domingo (la que llevaba nuestros regales) es muy difícil sobreponerse al jet lag y al síndrome post vacacional

De todas formas lo mejor del caso es que te puedes levantar pronto y por consiguiente tienen un montón de tiempo para publicar tus aventuras

Reservamos el vuelo con la compañía más barata, el dinero hay que ahorrarlo para lo que realmente importa, dice un proverbio chino, y la más barata era Air France. Nuestro vuelo desde Paris con un 777-400 fue la peror pesadilla que yo y mis padres recordamos en toda nuestra vida.

Cuando el cabrón que teníamos delante (cosas de la traducción) reclinaba el asiento la puta televisión nos tocaba la nariz. Creo que he leído que los europeos hemos crecido en las ultimas décadas pero parece que a los de Air France no les importa

Ya nos cagaremos en su puta madre más adelante, nos han perdido el equipaje y son bastante cabrones, a parte de querer cobrarnos 300 euros por exceso de equipaje, Hijos de su put* madr*

Note: this is the Spanish that I have learnt at school, do not complaint

Después de un vuelo de mierda cogimos el autobús desde Narita y acabamos en mi hotel preferido – El Mandarin Oriental- donde tuvieron la delicadeza de recordarnos como antiguos huéspedes.

Por desgracia los viejos están acabados y después de un paseito de nada por Ginza se me encamaron como perros y se sobaron hasta la cena. No era mala idea si tienes en cuenta todo lo que un hotel así te ofrece.

Después de estar en el Cerulean towers y en el Hyatt el Mandarin es el mejor – con gran diferencia- en cuanto a calidad / precio. De todas formas el desayuno – no incluido- que vale 3500 yens no incluye ni bacón, ni salchichas ni demás mierda que sí incluía en abril. Y si te gastas más de 60.000 yens en una put noche de hotel detalles como este joden muchísimo a viejos encabronados como mi padre.

El siguiente día nos centramos en Tokio y decidimos seguir la ruta preferida de Mamaá Conejo alrededor de Omote Sando y Aoyama. Mr. Véase nos proporciono un mapa que usan los espaias internacionales –como él- Chicas tengo su teléfono. Y no nos quedo ni una tienda, ni un bar, restaurante o carrito de helados por inspeccionar.

Una buena aproximación al Tokyo más caliente antes de nuestro primer destino, el salvaje Hokkaido

Nos vemos en Haneda


  • MuSiK says:

    Impresionante la foto desde el hotel… f***ing impressive.

    por cierto, su ingles es mucho mas fino que el español…

    … may be you are using a English/SpanishGarbage translator 😉

  • Anonymous says:

    Impresionante la foto desde el hotel… f***ing impressive.por cierto, su ingles es mucho mas fino que el español…… may be you are using a English/SpanishGarbage translator 😉

  • CafeMiffy says:

    Hi Miffa,

    It was very nice time to spend with you!!
    But, we are really surprised that your suitcases were lost…
    Could you find it already?

    Nana chan

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Miffa,It was very nice time to spend with you!!But, we are really surprised that your suitcases were lost…Could you find it already?Nana chan

  • Miffa says:

    Hi Nana!!!!

    All the stuff we bought with your parents in that big mall is lost.

    Father Bunny and Mother Bunny are very sad about it because they put all the presents for family and friends there.

    Say hello to Cafemiffy, Nana, and be a goof bunny 😉

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Nana!!!!All the stuff we bought with your parents in that big mall is lost.Father Bunny and Mother Bunny are very sad about it because they put all the presents for family and friends there.Say hello to Cafemiffy, Nana, and be a goof bunny 😉

  • Anonymous says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • CafeMiffy says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • CafeMiffy says:

    Hi, Miffa !

    We feel sad, too. But Cheer Up Miffa.

    We looked up in some reports,
    The rate of baggage lost is 1.6% (Air France’s rate)
    The reports says that,
    If someone lost the baggage, Almost baggage is discoverd a few weeks later.

    We hope that we can find Miffa’s baggege soon.

    Sincerely yours
    Nana-Chan, and Cafemiffy’s family.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi, Miffa !We feel sad, too. But Cheer Up Miffa.We looked up in some reports,The rate of baggage lost is 1.6% (Air France’s rate)The reports says that, If someone lost the baggage, Almost baggage is discoverd a few weeks later.We hope that we can find Miffa’s baggege soon.Sincerely yoursNana-Chan, and Cafemiffy’s family.

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