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For those of you who  kindly ask what I am doing lately and specially for those with negative feelings about my future as The Bunny that Rocks in the Blogosphere.

After some issues that unfortunately happened after the summer – most of them because my father is old and I have to compite with my brother to get some attention- this is just some sampling: 

Ride on top of Turo de l’home in a 5 hours bike stupid journey
Visited Blanes as never before
FB participated in this stupid Challenge
I made some friends from the sea
Draculina ran a race again with a bid
I dropped my Father’s iphone
Aurora got a V8
Aurora messed up thing when parking her new V8
Tometaro took the Spanish Shinkansen to visit Madrid
I trained this dog to ride a bike. I am sorry 
Burning stuff
Friends giving food to foxes
Winning Montecarlo Rally Trophies (It’s not a fake)
Driving a VOLVO (with the wheel on the wrong side of the car)
Making Puzzles with my father
Irritating bastards from airlines/airports

Additional notes to this blog post – 2023

As early adopters of social media, particularly Facebook, we were also among the first to abandon it. While Miffa and her circle of friends embraced the platform, the sheer volume of their posts, updates, and musings became overwhelming.

At times, we found ourselves without anything worth sharing, while other times we had personal content that would be of little interest to anyone beyond our immediate circle.

Once something was posted on social media, there seemed to be little point in reposting it, or even tweaking it for that matter.

In order to keep our blog alive, we came up with posts like this one – using pictures and short captions to capture a span of time and give a glimpse into what we’ve been up to.

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