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Miffa is sad: Chairoko and Kiiroko return to Japan.

By February 11, 20082 Comments

This post refers to an event dated 01/06/08

Miffa kisses Chairoko and Kiiroko a few moment they depart

Look how sad is Miffa’s sight at the airport

My bunny daughter is very sad, we all are sad indeed. After several months living with us in Barcelona and travelling around with Miffa and her sisters and friends it’s time to go.

Chairoko and Kiiroko parents came to Barcelona together with Miffo and Nijntje. We have spent a great time and we have managed to do a lot of things and to travel to quite places. For a more detailed info about our Christmas adventures with our friends from Cafemiffy I would suggest you to buy a nice “How to learn Japanese” book – if you don’t know this language- and visit their blogsite.

Miffo has travelled a lot to, She is especially happy because she has been able to visit the West coast (San Francisco), has learnt to cook some Japanese dishes, has bought new clothes and even she made a tailor made suit.

In the way back home both Miffa and Miffo did not say a word but during the afternoon while Miffa showed Miffo their new room their mood was slightly better.

– It’s always hard to say good bye I told then but soon we will meet our friends again. – I told them.
– Meanwhile I will take you with me to visit Holland – I added
– Perfect we will send nice present for Chairoko and Kiiroko – they exclaimed


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