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Bread and ButterEditorialFashion

Bread and Butter winter edition 2008

By February 13, 20082 Comments
Miffo with her BBB e-pass
new friends in every corner

The same shows, the same faces…

Last summer I wrote how tired it was to watch the same faces, the same brands and the same shows in every edition. I know that people go there to take a look on new collections and to have a good time. About the first one this is my Father’s and some of his friends’ problem. About the second fact I think they should improve the “power to surprise” if they want to keep his avant-garde halo.

As usual graphic design and brand identity was nice, past edition the motto was “flying” and this winter “smoking”. Yeah, but do not think about smoking Ducados (Now under the Imperial Tobacco orbit), not even Fortuna

Just some funny ultra light cigarettes just for fashionist people with plenty of gold colour on the packet.

This edition Father Bunny received a letter from Germany and the B&B people invited him!!! Can you believe it?

That was another good reason for staying at home. If B&B invited my father after the “embarrassing events” that took place in the summer edition with Mr. Evasee, Mr. GOLDKRICH, Mr. Cyteck and Mr. Musik one must ask herself if that place is for fashion and business people or just for wild party animals as them.

Anyways I sent Miffo to cover the trade fair together with Father Bunny, Mother Bunny and last day with the pro photographer Mr. John Barney.


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