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Past eastern we visited Japan for the first time and we discovered our favourite city Tokyo- this eastern in exchange we have had no vacations and we have been at home.

It had been really hard because we planned to go sailing two days but strong winds and heavy rain from the North could made it a very unpleasant experience.

Anyways we will go to Hong Kong in less than a month. Yes!!! We will fly directly this time from BCN to HKG (via CDG that tells u no one is perfect) and I will be able to take Miffo and some of my sisters to my hometown. That’s great.

I said that Tokyo is my favourite city, but home is home so I dying to come back to my Hotel. To celebrate it Miffo cooked “Soba” for us and her delicious Miso Soup.

Note from Father bunny: Miffa doesn’t admit it but she prefers Tokyo right now. 😉

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