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BarcelonaChan familyDraculinarunning

We just tried it (really hard). Gone in 28 sec.

By April 6, 20084 Comments

I remember than me and my running mates usually avoided this race because it used to be (and it already is) the most expensive and crowded 10km race held in Barcelona. This year more than 15.000 people signed (50 % more than 2007).

We did not get the under 50 strap and this forced us to start at the very end. Many people manage to get a better position but we arrived to the start just 15 minutes prior to the run starting time.

I thought that this will be around 3 minutes more to cross the starting line, but it was more than 5 minutes and lot of people to pass and to avoid during the first three kilometres.

I did not remember being running in such a slow moving crowd and this fact together with my severe worries about getting moderately injured a week before going to China made my pace erratic and nervous. I finally decided not to use my heart rate monitor to reduce my motivation and without references I must say that this is the most uncomfortable race I have run, with the first kilometre made at 8:40.

Finally Draculina waited for me at kilometre 9 and we entered together holding our hands up. This last gesture possibly ruined my attempt to end under 50 minutes (0:50:28) but who cares about 28 seconds.

PS: Miffo was taking pictures with MB but she reaaly wants to run the next one with FB


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