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English version

I need some time, let’s say I need some of my Father’s time to classify and organize my pictures and our thoughts.

Meanwhile I just enjoy looking my pictures whit my sisters and friends while having tea, a very nice white tea that I bought in Honk Kong.

I am missing Hong Kong a lot this time. After a really “grey” travel with a lot of stress coming from my parents and visiting what it’s may be the biggest trade fair in Asia – very boring and tiring activity- .

Besides my father told me during our trip that we won’t travel to Dubai this summer and I got upset with him. I tried to change her mind using “guerrilla” techniques:

  • I use a chador the rest of my trip
  • I don’t speak to him in English or Spanish, just Cantonese
  • And in the hotels we stayed in Mainland China I organized illegal games in our room and use his credit card to buy beer and cigarettes.

I was afraid of Mrs Katanga knowing about it (she advises my father about more strict education and going to school) but now I know that she smokes.

Spanish Version

Necesito tiempo, bueno, digamos que necesito algo de tiempo de mi padre para que clasifique y organice las fotos y nuestros recuerdos.

Nowadays Miffa has quit smoking and reduce drastically his gambling

Mientras intento disfrutar de las mismas con mis hermanas y amigas mientras tomamos té blanco, un té blanco muy bueno que compre en Hong Kong.

Esta vez echo mucho de menos mi ciudad. Después de un viaje un poco gris con un montón de stress por culpa de mis padres y visitando la que seguramente es la mayor feria de Asia – y más coñazo y aburrimiento-

Además mi padre me dijo durante el viaje que no iríamos a Dubai este verano y me enfade mucho con él. Intenté hacerle cambiar de opinión usando mis técnicas de guerrilla.

  • Me puse un chador el resto del viaje
  • No le hable nada más que en Cantonés
  • Y en los hoteles que estuve aprovecha para montar timbas en la habitación* y cargar cervezas y cigarrillos a su tarjeta de crédito.*Algo habitual en China, ver la habitación llena de tipos en camiseta jugando a las cartas, fumando y bebiendo cerveza.

Tenía miedo de que se enterara la señorita Katanga (le aconseja a mi padre que me eduque mejor y que me lleve al colegio) pero ahora se su secreto: ella también fuma.


  • 9J, Anita Maria says:

    Wow, why has Miffa become such a bad girl!
    Aww. It’s sweet that you miss Hong Kong. It’s very rainy here now. I wish we could’ve hung out when you were here. You speak Cantonese? That’s great!
    That trade fair does look boring, hehe!

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow, why has Miffa become such a bad girl!Aww. It’s sweet that you miss Hong Kong. It’s very rainy here now. I wish we could’ve hung out when you were here. You speak Cantonese? That’s great!That trade fair does look boring, hehe!

  • katanga says:

    I guess Miffa hasn’t become a bad girl, she always has been a bad girl, anita 😉

    Miffa, querida, q yo fume o no, no es excusa. Empecé tardísimo y con todos los deberes hechos, así q, si lo q quieres es ponerme de ejemplo, q sepas (q FB sepa) q aún te quedan unos años para poder imitarme.

  • Anonymous says:

    I guess Miffa hasn’t become a bad girl, she always has been a bad girl, anita ;)Miffa, querida, q yo fume o no, no es excusa. Empecé tardísimo y con todos los deberes hechos, así q, si lo q quieres es ponerme de ejemplo, q sepas (q FB sepa) q aún te quedan unos años para poder imitarme.

  • Father Bunny says:

    Miffa is a little bit spoiled, I must admit that.

    We have checked the weather in Miffa’s iphone (HK is set as default city) and it’s incredible how rainy it has been past weeks.

    Next time we were there we will invite 9j to have tea. Well I cannot afirm that Miffa speaks Cantonese because I don’t speak neither Cantonese or Mandarin.

    Katanga, desde que dije que no a Dubai esta imposible, quiere ir a ver a Rafa Nadal a Roland Garros.

    ¿La vuelvo a castigar en su habitación sin tele?

  • Anonymous says:

    Miffa is a little bit spoiled, I must admit that. We have checked the weather in Miffa’s iphone (HK is set as default city) and it’s incredible how rainy it has been past weeks.Next time we were there we will invite 9j to have tea. Well I cannot afirm that Miffa speaks Cantonese because I don’t speak neither Cantonese or Mandarin.Katanga, desde que dije que no a Dubai esta imposible, quiere ir a ver a Rafa Nadal a Roland Garros.¿La vuelvo a castigar en su habitación sin tele?

  • Anita Maria says:

    LOL, Mrs. Katanga, I guess I don’t know Miffa as well as you do!
    9J and I are looking forward to your next visit, Miffa!

  • Anonymous says:

    LOL, Mrs. Katanga, I guess I don’t know Miffa as well as you do!9J and I are looking forward to your next visit, Miffa!

  • katanga says:

    May be, anita 😉

    Nadal!?? Ecccss!!! Es tu hija, a mí no me metas, q luego ya sé quién va a pagar los platos rotos 😛

  • Anonymous says:

    May be, anita ;)Nadal!?? Ecccss!!! Es tu hija, a mí no me metas, q luego ya sé quién va a pagar los platos rotos 😛

  • Anita Maria says:

    How “Rebel Without a Cause” of you, Miffa, with your jean jacket, drink and ciggie!

  • Anonymous says:

    How “Rebel Without a Cause” of you, Miffa, with your jean jacket, drink and ciggie!

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