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First attempt, a great disaster (ok, may be just a disaster)

By June 26, 2008No Comments

Mother Bunny is on a business travel (or at least that is what he just told Father Bunny) and my sisters were so excited about the new gift that our friends from Japan sent us last week that the atmosphere at home was getting really thick.

I must say Father Bunny is quite good cooker but he has a great defect – he does not like sweets – and even worse he has no idea about how to make cookies.

He and Ookina download a recipe from the Internet – Butter cookies– They taste good but they’re extremely hard to mould and de-mould with a 36 Celsius environment.

I knew it would happen, but I swear you they were there almost an hour dealing with the butter cookies.

Please do not check the original Miffy cookies here.

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