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After Miffa Convergence Devices paper is published

As an additional note to my first academic paper I would like to share with you some ideas and comments that have arisen since the paper abstract was published.

The idea was born when Mother Bunny bought her new state of the art HTC TyTN, the new ultimate convergent device with a lot of features (PDA, 3G phone, Wi-fi Bluetooth, etc). After some research here and there I made the big mistake of asking Father Bunny about it.

It happened somehow like that. We were in Madrid airport after a nice journey doing business in Madrid and as other times I noticed that most of the people waiting for the plane were using some kind of device frenetically.

– Father Bunny, Father bunny what are they doing with this electric shaver shaped device- I said.
– They are using their Blackberries to get and answer emails from their offices – said him
– And ¿why we are not using ours? – I replied
– We don’t have one, Miffa, while in transit we just must concentrate in what it really matters
– And what is that, father – I replied with a strong feeling that he was getting upset.
– It depends on what your preferences in life are, what you want to do, what is your real know how, and your spirit… Blah, Blah

At this point I thought that we were not good enough as to have one of that electric shaver convergent device, even more thought that my father was not important enough to have one (no one called him to his mobile)

Miffa bought a convergent device – HTC

So I asked Mother Bunny to buy me the best, latest, most powerful device to stay always in touch with my business, friends and the complete world. My Vertu is a nice phone with a nice shape but it has no camera, no 3g, no email, nothing!!!

A couple of weeks ago I got my device, I was excited and after reading some tips inside the manual I put it into my purse.

But next week was a real nightmare with a Bunny like me – I mean with my intense social life- Let me summarize you some of my activities:

Converging means you are under tight time control

Wednesday: a meeting with our friend Teresa to give her a present from my last tryp (Australia). Then we drove a convertible sport car for her place to Barcelona and I meet Professor Garrido in person (a virtual reality guru)
Thursday: having tea and riding horses with my bunny friends at Club de Polo
– Friday: Doing important business in a Benneteau Oceanis clipper 40 yacht, a problem occurred and we did most of the return trip by night.
Saturday: I took a plane to visit Ibiza with Mother Bunny and we had a nice dinner with some designers and artists from all over the world.

Early connection problems that affects convergent devices

I tried to stay in touch with my friends sending emails and even I tried to post using my wi-fi device. But sometimes no network was available, others you need to type in a tiny keyboard, the 2 megapixels camera lens is not good, battery last only a day….

And the worst thing – you can not concentrate in what it’s really important: enjoying what you are doing

Miffa prefers to organize without a convergent device

So I must admit that I have returned the device to the seller and now may be my Father’s words were not so useless as I thought. Furthermore I would say that the best convergence device that you can have it is the one I have.

A P(D)A Personal Direct Assistant

If I want to read my email I just ask my Father, Mother, Miffu, Miffe or my Vertus concierge to do, tickets they will book them for me… and so on. Even I can ask Father Bunny to post for me…Besides they provide me some love (hate) in every interaction.

Who has the best convergence device…? Of course me.

So, after some news follow up during last weeks with PajerosFon, Pajillerosnet, 20megasnidecoña, Naranjasdelcaribe trying to shape the way we will communicate in the next years I decided to remove some funds from my Swiss account and..

Miffa’s Bu-Fi network (Bunny Fidelity) will be launched.

– No fees – Gratis – Kostenloss
– No need to buy crappy stuff
– Love & Care



  • BlueRay says:

    Vaya con la coneja, q vida se pega.
    A ver si escribe en cristiano esta pedazo de snob

  • Anonymous says:

    Vaya con la coneja, q vida se pega.A ver si escribe en cristiano esta pedazo de snob

  • BlueRay says:

    Vaya con la coneja, q vida se pega.
    A ver si escribe en cristiano esta pedazo de snob

  • Father Bunny says:

    Miffa dice que si se lo pides por favor quizás lo haga.

    Vaya modales!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Miffa dice que si se lo pides por favor quizás lo haga.Vaya modales!!

  • Father Bunny says:

    Miffa dice que si se lo pides por favor quizás lo haga.

    Vaya modales!!

  • evasee says:

    What a week…!!!
    The worst is the dinner… sorry, not the dinner, to stay with designersss!!!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    What a week…!!!The worst is the dinner… sorry, not the dinner, to stay with designersss!!!!!

  • evasee says:

    What a week…!!!
    The worst is the dinner… sorry, not the dinner, to stay with designersss!!!!!

  • evasee says:

    What a week…!!!
    The worst is the dinner… sorry, not the dinner, to stay with designersss!!!!!

  • Miffa says:


    I must admit that a world without them (designers)will be boring.

    Imagine a day without feeling the soft but crisp sensation when pressing your platinium vertu keyboard calling mother bunny to tell her that the Amex Centurion credit is over.

    I blame them for creting such a perfect devices.

  • Anonymous says:

    Well,I must admit that a world without them (designers)will be boring.Imagine a day without feeling the soft but crisp sensation when pressing your platinium vertu keyboard calling mother bunny to tell her that the Amex Centurion credit is over.I blame them for creting such a perfect devices.

  • Miffa says:


    I must admit that a world without them (designers)will be boring.

    Imagine a day without feeling the soft but crisp sensation when pressing your platinium vertu keyboard calling mother bunny to tell her that the Amex Centurion credit is over.

    I blame them for creting such a perfect devices.

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