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Chan family

Chan family revisited · Miffu Chan

By July 2, 20084 Comments
My adorable sister Miffu, born in Hong Kong but with Japanese origin (Sekiguchi) FB and MB brought her to our The Peninsula room the day I was too years old. Unforgeteable!

Miffu Chan
Height (cm) 22
Date of birth 01/02/2006
Place Kwoloon – Hong Kong
Twin sister none
Outfit(s) Orange jumper / a pair of reading spectacles / Cap / Formal shirt and sleeveless vest.
Sports Aikido
Notes She loves flowers a lot. Her travel and adventure spirit is not as big as Miffa but she has traveled a lot too.

The red and gold ribbon that Miffa is wearing on her ear it was a present from Miffu that she carries everywhere, everytime.


  • 9J says:

    Uh oh, the “table” isn’t quite working again, Father Bunny!

    Miffu, you look at lot like Miffo. I’m confused.

  • Anonymous says:

    Uh oh, the “table” isn’t quite working again, Father Bunny!Miffu, you look at lot like Miffo. I’m confused.

  • Miffa says:

    Buff, I checked it when I posted it as a programmed post.

    Fixed, I hope.

    Miffu was Miffa’s first sister, but she is from Hong Kong, while Miffo is two cms bigger and from Spain.

  • Anonymous says:

    Buff, I checked it when I posted it as a programmed post.Fixed, I hope.Miffu was Miffa’s first sister, but she is from Hong Kong, while Miffo is two cms bigger and from Spain.

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