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Yeah, it has happened, 

I have written 500 hundred stories in my blog during my seven years. Ok, let’s faced it’s not an impressive record, but for a little bunny like me, coming from another country and left in a warehouse in Hong Kong Island, it’s an impressive record.

I have been travelling around the world, specially in Asia, and I have met a lot of wonderful people.

You know, who you are, so I would like to say a BIG “Thank you” to all of them, for being so great, friendly, and sometimes for spoiling me a litte bit.

A great achievement deserves a party, but this will be the subject of the 501 th post. That is the style of the trousers an old bastard – like my father, and others like Jeremy Clarkson (BBC’s Top Gears and worst style and nastiest person award winner)- uses.

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