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It’s remarkable how someone can be so passionately devoted to running that even on the eve of 2008’s end, they’re gearing up to hit the pavement. Perhaps having an aging father who defies the conventional aging process offers some insight into this fervor, or perhaps it’s a shared affliction.

Nevertheless, on this occasion, my father surpassed all expectations by not just participating but by crossing the finish line first—albeit still dressed in his clerk attire.

While it may have been an embarrassing sight, I console myself with the thought that my birthday is just around the corner, offering a welcome distraction from the depressing spectacle.

Running cursa dels nassos 2008 miffa


  • Anonymous says:

    Hello Miffa!You said, “Well, at least this time he was the first one. Eheem!!! The first guy who crossed the finish line dressed in his clerk attire.” Do you mean he was the first one to cross the finishing line among all the runners or just the first one to cross it wearing this type of attire?You may not think so, Miffa, but both Anita and I think Father Bunny looks good — hot even — in his shirt and tie with shorts!

  • 9J says:

    Hello Miffa!You said, “Well, at least this time he was the first one. Eheem!!! The first guy who crossed the finish line dressed in his clerk attire.” Do you mean he was the first one to cross the finishing line among all the runners or just the first one to cross it wearing this type of attire?You may not think so, Miffa, but both Anita and I think Father Bunny looks good — hot even — in his shirt and tie with shorts!

  • Anonymous says:

    LOL!of course he wasn’t the first, indeed he made one minute more that his best, that is 39 minutes to cover 10 km. He ended 800 something out of 8,500.I was the one who designed his attire to remind “Augus Young” follow:

  • Miffa says:

    LOL!of course he wasn’t the first, indeed he made one minute more that his best, that is 39 minutes to cover 10 km. He ended 800 something out of 8,500.I was the one who designed his attire to remind “Augus Young” follow:

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