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Chan family

My lemon tree

By May 24, 20092 Comments

Life is hard for a small bunny like me. Father bunny wants me to learn Japanese language and culture and this is really time consuming. I have to go to class and then I have a lot of homework to be done during the whole week.

On the top of that, I am very jeaulous of Caffemiffy´s garden. We go to the supermarket to buy lettuce, despite having our own “farm – made “ lettuce. Father Bunny encoured me to start our own garden at home with the helo of my farmer sister.

Ok, ok, I told Father Bunny that I would really consider the idea. Again, a lot of work to be done. First of all, choose the right place at home for our garden, then buy a pot and earth to fill it.

As I live in Spain, a country with a lot of sun, I decided to have a garden with “ fruit trees “ . And the first one would be a lemon tree.

It has taken me a few weeks to set up everything properly, water the tree and finally I got 2 lemons!!

FB update: “Miffa took this picture of a lemon tree that FB’s parents bought already grown up… That cheating


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