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Adidas New York Running Shoes – 1982 Re-edition

Adidas new york

When I was younger, a friend and I had a shared hobby: visiting El Corte Inglés in Bilbao after school. While I can’t recall the exact floor, I distinctly remember the sports section, which housed a special display for the most advanced and expensive footwear.

Protected by glass, these shoes were out of reach for us, mere students with limited savings. Among them stood the Adidas New York—a 285-gram marvel in anthracite color, proudly crafted in Western Germany.

The original model debuted around 1982, but owning a pair remained a distant dream for me. Even when a re-edition surfaced fifteen or twenty years later, I couldn’t quite seize the opportunity.

A few years ago, I nearly scored a pair, but alas, the true color eluded me. Despite my affection for them, I couldn’t justify shelling out $200 for what I deemed an overpriced pair. Regrettably, I couldn’t find my size at the time.

Recently, however, luck smiled upon me as I stumbled upon a pair on eBay for a mere 25 euros. Yet, my excitement dimmed upon their arrival; the color scheme wasn’t true to the original, and the overall feel lacked the essence of the old New York.

It’s a bittersweet realization—that even with nostalgia driving my pursuit, some treasures of the past remain just out of grasp.

This is how the original model looks

This shoe featured the Dellinger Web technology – yhe fishnet that encapsulates the EVA cut that appeared in the Adidas Oregon – another mythical shoe.


  • Anonymous says:

    Anita used to be obsessed with sneakers as well, so she knows how you feel. She is a bit scared of eBay now since the last time she bade for something from there it never arrived, although the merchant (from the UK) was kind enough to refund her. 🙁

  • 9J says:

    Anita used to be obsessed with sneakers as well, so she knows how you feel. She is a bit scared of eBay now since the last time she bade for something from there it never arrived, although the merchant (from the UK) was kind enough to refund her. 🙁

  • Anonymous says:

    Father bunny doesn’t like ebay (and he is not registered) but a friend of him is a power buyer (or was it seller) and he helped FB with the deal.You are obsessed with clothes like me, 9j.

  • Miffa says:

    Father bunny doesn’t like ebay (and he is not registered) but a friend of him is a power buyer (or was it seller) and he helped FB with the deal.You are obsessed with clothes like me, 9j.

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