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Paris Hilton, the muse and mirror of Miffa and almost all celebrities, has published a book worth reading and, perhaps, buying.

The original article was written in Spanish by Father bunny and can be found here

As the moral inventor of social media and the queen of the thankless profession, as well as being the great-granddaughter of hotel magnate Conrad Hilton, she rewrites her life in “Paris: The Memoir.”

Skydiving over Nevada Desert to celebrate Paris Hilton 21st birthday

The memoir begins with Paris, as always, giving it her all by skydiving to celebrate her 21st birthday after two days of partying in the best clubs in the world. This is an admirable feat, as she had both the taste and the money to punish her liver and the bravery to jump out of a plane, which Miffa also did but without a hangover but with a lot of fear.


During the freefall, which real skydivers adore and squeeze for all its worth, Paris feels “fragile” and thinks about death as the perfect finishing touch to her birthday celebration. When the parachute opens, she sees herself as “a diamond hanging from a chain.” It’s curious how my favorite daughter goes through these phases, also thinking about death and enjoying the landing as if she could fly.

A moment of supreme happiness that only differs by the zeros of the money that separates them. Well, maybe a few other things

These memories, not written directly by Paris, as is the case with the blog of her imitator Miffa Chan, are created by novelist Joni Rodgers, who has given the story of Paris a narrative, meaning, and purpose. This is another big difference caused by the lack of funding that makes us not on the same level.

The big revelation of ‘Paris: The Memoir.

Many times, almost 20 years ago, I remember having doubts and conversations with friends and colleagues about whether Paris was an idiot or if she just acted like one.

Paris has never been the object of my fantasies, if we talk about those that include physical contact, but she has been the object of other more inconfessable ones, such as her ability to do nothing apparent, be incredibly rich, and know how to become even richer every moment.

I always suspected that Paris could be an expert in selling something worth very little or even nothing at a very high price. As someone who has dedicated myself to this (with many self-imposed moral limits to my own misfortune), I have always longed for the pleasure of creating a shitty brand, product, or service at a high price and enjoying watching people lose money and composure much more than my undeserved wealth.

And during that time, little by little, I discovered that she was better than any professor at Harvard, London Business School, or any business school. As Miquel Echarri says in El Pais, Paris Hilton invited us to laugh at her, but because she had a plan to laugh at us, and it was a much more subtle plan than it seemed or seems.

The Midas Queen of the “New Cool”

Being rich and famous, as she was, one yearns for power, and then loses their head, as Bezos and Musk demonstrate every day. Paris does not want the boring way of enjoying a wealth fallen from the sky, which her sister chose by marrying the heir of one of the richest and most traditional families, the Rothschilds.

Paris opens a new door, almost Pandora’s box, where wealth does not derive into economic power and then political power, it is not about controlling sectors of the economy, influencing, putting politicians, buying wills and governments, as a Rothschild could do, if they let her.

And quoting Echarri again, “Paris had an absolute thirst. She wanted to be everything at once everywhere,” and for that, she decides to create a new way of doing and communicating that is reflected in this summary of her contributions:

“Let’s review her merits. She “invented” the selfie. Her stolen video popularized homemade pornography. She transformed reality shows into weapons of mass destruction. She made billionaire populism fashionable long before Trump. She got an entire generation of women to start straightening their hair again. She patented the contemporary idea of “new” fame by usurping Sarah Bernhardt’s brilliant intuition that you can be famous for being famous. She flung open the hatch through which a new star system has slipped in: if it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t even know who Kim Kardashian is.”

Parishilton/Twitter – pink Bentley

The highway to ultimate fame and its final trick.

According to many, Paris has achieved her accomplishments thanks to her wealth and her apparent complete sense of ridicule. Here, I think that more than money, her surnames and agenda weigh more, and I do not share the opinion of a supposed lack of talent, unless it refers to artistic talent, because she is the guardian of style for many others.

Is Paris immersed in a process of deconstructing the character created by her and fueled by market dynamics?

Some believe that her documentary and these memoirs could be the first step in dismantling the character and/or brand, telling us how we have been worshipping something that is worth very little or nothing, a confession like that of a company that claims to care about people and the planet but actually profits and makes its shareholders immensely rich, benefiting from people and the planet.

I see this supposed lack of talent as something deliberate and the icing on the cake. Paris does not give something or create a category of something that then becomes worthless; it is that it has never been worth anything, and it is us who have elevated it.

Great power, great responsibility.

Perhaps her final trick is an attempt to seek redemption, something that I see as highly unlikely now, but more feasible as the golden age approaches.

What has been achieved by “the dumb blonde snob” or by Paris’s privileged mind has had many side effects and has created a powerful disturbance among the heirs of the rich dominant classes and those who live below them, being their support. The effect is uncertain, perhaps Paris and her character will prop up and give oxygen to them, or the proliferation of imitators will end badly.

Paris likes to compare herself to Marie Antoinette, and we already know what happened to her and what she represented.”

Well, who better than herself to talk “about her book”

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