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Studying our route through Mediterranean Sea
Trimming sails and managing lines is not easy
In a next post I will tell u more about that journey

Miffa is thinking about her future career

My Step Father and me had a conversation a few days ago. I asked him for advice about what kind of career I should try in the future.

He has over protected me for the last two years and my life has been very easy. But now I’m ready to show him I will be capable of achieving the highest marks…

This is how while trying to get some attention from my father I got involved in sailing. Father Bunny himself loves it but as you now he is a member of that “Closed Fist Brotherhood” and he thinks this sport is only for “posh idiots and fuck*ng assholes with a lot of money”

May be Victoria Beckham and me are in the same row in FB’s chart , but I love sailing…

Last weekend we planned a nice journey: L’Escala to Port Llligat (Dali’s)

This was my fifth journey as a yacht master apprentice so I was commanding the whole vessel.

Notes while reformatting this post in 2023

In may post we used a quite complicated approach that proved wrong in many cases to boost our visits. As the blog was intended as a personal diary most of the times only the ones who participated or close to Miffa dis really understand and enjoy the content.

Here, nothing about the journey is shared or explained, the truth is that both Father and Mother bunny are certified boat pilots but they enroll on it without real passion and they totally stopped sailing when Miff’s brother was born.

Only Father Bunny has continued to enroll in sailing adventures with another crews but to quote him:

“Thank god we never have bought a sailing boat” “Even with several millions in the banks I think it will make me unhappy”

Father Bunny

You can actually read here about Roses to Pot Lligat, including Cap de Creus

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