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Located South of Singapore it’s accesible by several transportations, from the laziest ones who will arrive by taxi (surchase apply) to the more honest ecotourists that will cross the bridge on foot (paying 1 SG$).

We decided to opt for the monorail (mother bunny is lazy by nature) that will cost you 3 dollars return trip.

For those of you interested in Sentosa check here

From my point of view is like Singapores back door to family fun and limited risk adventure for the youngsters that populate zouks and singaporean bridges (with Martel and Johnny Walker Blue label bottles).

Several five star beach resorts, exclusive beach clubs (where you pay for a beer what you earn in a week working at your homeland), nice white sand and nice palm tree.

Actually the four or five beaches are very nice, except for the poluted water infected with jelly fish and the stupid small space where – They let you swin- No matter if you are Mr. Phelps you can only swim in a small designated space.

But what about the “charm” of sharing your swim with large container carriers and Roro ships.

Ever dreamed about a nice palm tree beach with some bikini girls at your sight just in front of a crude refinery…

This is your place and if you need to waste more adrenaline pay a visit to Universal Studios Sentosa or try to surf in a pool, or sky dive in a new attraction they opened this year (Sky-something ).

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