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Father Bunny complexion is not the best one for long distance running and besides the amount of training to finish a Marathon in good shape is quite important.

During all this time he has been training and racing, sometimes with Draculina who often helped him to maintain the right pace, but his new friends from correCATagafo (experienced runners and triathletes) has played a vital role in his achievements.

I wanted to share his success with him and I waited for him in the last kilometre to enter together in 3 hours and 17 seconds. Quite a great mark for an old guy that surprisingly did not encounter The Wall and arrived in quite a decent shape.

First marathon Barcelona 2009

Another World Bunny Record set by Miffa Chan

Miffa BCNmarathon 2009

Cuando hace más de un año el Viejo volvío a correr ( lo hizo en 2003 durante seis meses) era muy escéptica sobre sus posibilidades reales. Es más creía que su sueño de correr y terminar una maratón era más que imposible.

Su complexión no es la mejor para la carrera de larga distancia y además el nivel y exigencia del entrenamiento que requiere un maratón con dignidad es muy elevado.

Durante todo este tiempo ha estado entrenando y compitiendo en pruebas menores, algunas veces con Draculina, que siempre le ha ayudado a mantener el ritmo de carrera. Pero una parte muy importante del éxito es de la ayuda que le han prestado sus nuevos amigos de correCATagafo (experimentados corredores y triatletas).

Quería compartir ese momento con él y le estuve esperando en los últimos kilómetros para entrar juntos en 3 horas y 17 minutos. Un tiempo bastante bueno para un viejo que de manera sorprendente no se encontró con el temido MURO y llego bastante fresco.

Otro Record del Mundo Conejo de Miffa. ¡Gracias a todos los correCATagafo


  • Doublecloth says:

    Pobre Miffa tu que estabas tan bien en casita descansando y tu padre (un domingo!!!) se le ocurre sacarte a correr. Estos hombres!! jejeBesos (estas hecho un atleta eh?? ;))

  • Anonymous says:

    Pobre Miffa tu que estabas tan bien en casita descansando y tu padre (un domingo!!!) se le ocurre sacarte a correr. Estos hombres!! jejeBesos (estas hecho un atleta eh?? ;))

  • Father Bunny says:

    Hey, que es eso de descansar el domingo, el domingo hay que ir en bici, en moto, correr carreras, pero no malgastarlo en la cama u holgazaneando.Muchas gracias por los piropos. 😉

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey, que es eso de descansar el domingo, el domingo hay que ir en bici, en moto, correr carreras, pero no malgastarlo en la cama u holgazaneando.Muchas gracias por los piropos. 😉

  • 9J says:

    Congratulations, FB, Miffa and everyone else who participated!

  • Anonymous says:

    Congratulations, FB, Miffa and everyone else who participated!

  • Father Bunny says:

    Hi 9j!We use the nice stamp you sent to us as a gift with the HK skyline.Miffa wanted to run with her beloved Bank of China close to her and I had the feeling that this will provide us with good fortune.We printed it onto our number and in our right shoe.Our friends were really impressed about that, but in the 35 km when “the men of the hammer” usually appears we just took some funds to pay the toll!!;) ;)At the finish line Miffa had a lot of fans (my colleagues’ children)

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi 9j!We use the nice stamp you sent to us as a gift with the HK skyline.Miffa wanted to run with her beloved Bank of China close to her and I had the feeling that this will provide us with good fortune.We printed it onto our number and in our right shoe.Our friends were really impressed about that, but in the 35 km when “the men of the hammer” usually appears we just took some funds to pay the toll!!;) ;)At the finish line Miffa had a lot of fans (my colleagues’ children)

  • 9J says:

    That’s great that you used the stamp we gave you, although I can’t see it from the pictures.You having a lot of fans does not surprise me, Miffa!

  • Anonymous says:

    That’s great that you used the stamp we gave you, although I can’t see it from the pictures.You having a lot of fans does not surprise me, Miffa!

  • Miffa says:

    We will take a picture of our bid to show you.

  • Anonymous says:

    We will take a picture of our bid to show you.

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