Miffa wants to be a certified sailboat captain
As I told you in a previous post we have set several Bunny World Records (“Records del Mundo Conejo”). Sometimes this causes me a lot of unwanted stress and unnecessary danger to my life.
May be, father bunny is trying to push me for doing things that he wanted to do but he never was capable of doing, And past time in El Cairo Egypt I had a severe accident that really conditioned my activities program for that trip.
But, soon after my first severe injure in Hurghada (Egypt), I realised that I have really beaten up several world records and no bunny from nowhere has been capable of performing such actions. This is how I decided to forgive Father Bunny and to create the Miffa’s Xtreme Tour and Challenge.
A restless events program in which Miffa, Miffu and my Teddy will participate in the most bizarre, dangerous and out of this world activities.
Challengers and wranglers are welcome: send your material to: miffu@miffa.net

creatures of Rabbit world a hunting dog
C’mon Miffa !!!! you’re not so hot and you bunny-records are not so impressive.
Remember how your father dropped you badly in El Cairo and how you got that blue over your eye.
C’mon Miffa !!!! you’re not so hot and you bunny-records are not so impressive.Remember how your father dropped you badly in El Cairo and how you got that blue over your eye.
C’mon Miffa !!!! you’re not so hot and you bunny-records are not so impressive.
Remember how your father dropped you badly in El Cairo and how you got that blue over your eye.