A colleague of Father Bunny, called Alex Rabbit, send him an email about a new smart bunny called Nabztag.
“ May be a good companion for Miffa” said him.
Father bunny and I were looking for some info about that bunny. He is French but speaks English too (sure with that typical strong French accent like Inspector Clouseau), he is also a computer geek addicted to wi-fi networks and is able to communicate with humans using latest technology… more
After some time I decided to order one (mother bunny will bring me one) but really two days after the initial rush I think:
He is not the first smart rabbit, sure I am (sorry Miffu but I was born first)
- May be it’s another ways to promote the Pajeros’ fon network (said father bunny)
- Would you take your plastic wi-fi bunny with you in a 9000 km trip inside rural China, and would you sleep with in a night train as Father Bunny and me did????
Me, Miffy and my cousin have no limits and him does!
You can read an update to this post here: The Rise and Fall of the Nazbatag Wifi Ambient Device
Thanks for your comment! I have a question. What is it with u and bunnys? give me your awnser some time. thanks, Boat.
Thanks for your comment! I have a question. What is it with u and bunnys? give me your awnser some time. thanks, Boat.
Thanks for your comment! I have a question. What is it with u and bunnys? give me your awnser some time. thanks, Boat.
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The site looks great ! Thanks for all your help ( past, present and future !)
Nise site!
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Wow Cool !
Super Man
Nice Site
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