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Soba and Youkan at Miffa’s place

By July 2, 20074 Comments
Soba are thin Japanese noodles made from buckwheat flour (alforfón, trigo sarraceno, trigo negro; catalán: fajol, cairat, blat cairut, blat negre).

You can have them cold or hot and according to wikipedia these thinner noodles are preferred by Tokyoites better than Udon (thick noodles).

And being Chairoko and Kiiroko from Tokyo they missed their Soba… Their parents sent us a parcel with tons of Japanese goodies to make their stay more enjoyable and to share exquisite food with Miffa´s bunny family.

Miffa and Kiiroko checking if everything was under control

Chairoko keeping an eye onto Father Bunny’s work

Miffa was thinking “I wish this idiot will be able to cook it properly…”

Happy family with our Soba on a zaru? and special limited edition bowls for our soup

When we did our first attempt to cook Japanese for them we cooked the wrong stuff. We cooked it right but it wasn’t what we thought it was. Now with the hyper detailed instructions Cafemiffy sent us, even a poor oriental cooker like Father Bunny, we succeeded.

And as our friend Katanga says, no meal is complete without desert and for that we had Youkan, and not just some Youkan… they were made by Toraya (may be the best)

Thanks Caffemiffy !!!!

Chairoko and Kiiroko opening their parents gift – Youkan


  • CafeMiffy says:

    It seems like delicious. Yap, Toraya is the best japanese sweets company in Japan. They have a branch shop in Paris, too.

    Enjoy your meal!


  • Anonymous says:

    It looks delicious. We ´d adore to share the food with you

  • katanga says:

    Sobre todo los postres de Toraya! No tengo ni idea de a q deben saber, pero la pinta… mmmmmmmmm… rico, rico XD

  • evasèe says:

    ¿Cuál de las pequeñas va a salir con nosotros de noche por las Barcelonas el viernes noche?
    ¿Y cuál me va a mirar embobada cuando ronque en su salón, con la babilla cayendome por la comisura de mis labios?

    Nos vemos …ya! Como quien dice, no queda ná!

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