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Me and Father bunny are real fighters, ready to fight in any arena. And we fight really tough… So if you dare… if you like, we will be waiting in the corner, watching cars.

We flew to Madrid in an AirEuropa’s Flight from Barcelona to Madrid, the worst option, at a mere 152 euro, one way ticket. – A Business seat in Iberia its 211 euro-

“Las declaraciones de Clos salían al paso de las acusaciones vertidas
el martes por el consorcio del fondo estadounidense Texas Pacific Group (TPG) y de la aerolínea británica British Airways. Este grupo, que hasta el lunes aspiraba a realizar una oferta por el 100% de Iberia, culpó al Gobierno español de favorecer la compra de más capital de la compañía aérea española por parte de Caja Madrid, forzando así su retirada en esta operación.”

Texas Pacific Group, once, owned Ducati… fine, but I do not like to fly a new Iberia owned by accountants and idiots who have no idea about price fixing and QOS.

Surely some other people have the same thoughts,but we have the feeling that it’s better than a state operated company ruins your time.

Things into context while reformatting this post in 2023

Flying have changes a lot in the last 20 years, even after the Pandemic thing are quite different from just one year before.

Father bunny was worried about IBERIA, expensive but reliable will owned by a equity fund, but what happened is far more fun if you read about IAG group and Vueling

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