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The Supreme Council meeting in Switzerland

By September 15, 20084 Comments

By our special reporter Miffu Chan

As you may imagine a secret meeting has a secret agenda. Nevertheless this fact an official note has been released and some “notable assistants” has filtered some news to us.

The meeting took place finally in Maienfeld – were Heidi’s house is located-

As you know this meeting’s agenda changed when Miffa expressed her desire to submit her twin sister candidature to The Council. Apart from this unexpected event the members discussed about general guidelines for the next quarter and general forecasting for the same period.

Ninjtje from Japan – the older member of the council – was confirmed as President of The Council for the next two years period.

Chairoko and Kiiroko from Japan are joining The Council as senior members while Pipi is joining as a Trainee member. Miffo joins too as senior member.

9J – that was unable to attend the meeting due to some red tape problems – is promoted to senior member and she will be responsible for all the operations of The Council in China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

The Council wants to show its greatest consideration to 9j, who has demonstrated outstanding abilities to promote The Council activities around the world. She is awarded the “Golden Hare “ award for these merits.

Miffa is confirmed as the Chairman of The Council and General Manager Europe and the rest of the world excluding Asia. The members expressed their worries about Miffa concentrating such a big territory and a General Manager America position will be a priority for next quarter. The Council expressed its worries about some “late affairs” that Miffa has been involved into and her “Orange Cap Sect” activities that were not explained to The Council to the full extent expected.

Despite her linage and experience Miffa’s sister will need to complete the habitual induction program to join The Council as a junior member. This fact is considered as a punishment for Miffa’s Orange Cap Sect activities.

The next meeting will be held in Asia in an undetermined date, but The Council urged Miffa to organize an intermediate local meeting with 9j to further development and alignment between the West and East strategies.


  • Anonymous says:

    I am extremely honored to be promoted to Senior Member of the Council and even more so when knowing that I was awarded the “Golden Hare” award.I would like to thank everyone at the Council, especially my good friend Miffa, and my human best friend Anita Maria. Without them I will not be where I am today.I promise to do my best in the future to serve the Council and bunnykind.

  • 9J says:

    I am extremely honored to be promoted to Senior Member of the Council and even more so when knowing that I was awarded the “Golden Hare” award.I would like to thank everyone at the Council, especially my good friend Miffa, and my human best friend Anita Maria. Without them I will not be where I am today.I promise to do my best in the future to serve the Council and bunnykind.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi 9j,Soon you will receive the “Golden Hare” award.My position in The Council is being questioned as many members are not happy with the Orange Cap Sect. ;)We are delighted to welcome you in The Council.

  • Miffa says:

    Hi 9j,Soon you will receive the “Golden Hare” award.My position in The Council is being questioned as many members are not happy with the Orange Cap Sect. ;)We are delighted to welcome you in The Council.

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